Pictures are stock images and are not indicative of the actual business.

Asking Price

Annual Cash Flow $466,209

Annual Revenue $4,138,030


FF&E: $500,000

Ref ID:

Real Estate: $0


Business Description

This extremely well run plumbing business has a significant loyal following that brings
repeat customers on a monthly basis. The company has a well diversified mix of
service and construction work in both the residential and commercial sectors. This is
a growing company that has shown substantial YOY revenue and profitability growth.
Well known trusted name. Moneymaker w/immediate growth opportunity. Recession resilient.
Inventory and FF&E are included in the purchase price. This great business
will not last long, so buy it before it is too late.

Detailed Information


Listing Agent:Doug Whiting

Inventory: Included in asking price

Real Estate:

Building SF:

Employees: 17

Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E): Included in asking price


Phone:(719) 205-8307

Facilities: 2000

Support & Training: Owner will provide 2-4 weeks as needed

Reason for Selling: Owners plans to retire